So the last blog' post was where we discussed everything, and this follow up post
is where things get dissed and cussed.
That's not to say some won't find bits of it interesting or any of that, but it is likely to be
somewhat contentious for some people.
That's not my problem however, it is theirs.
And the reason that some won't like it, is because they carry an ideology around
with them that quite honestly stinks, and the best thing they can do with it is give it
a good wipe next time they drop their underwear.
Or to put it another way, if you're full of shit then take a laxative because it's not my
Right, that's the intro' out of the way, so let's get started...
When I wrote the notes that this blog' is based upon, we were three thousand miles
away from our home in another country that we'd never been to before in our lives and
therefore I have tried to separate the perspectives which has not been too difficult so far.
So I'll spell it out straightforwardly. It is an English perspective and an African perspective
and therefore it has differing viewpoints depending on what is occurring and what is being
said by the participants within.
Pretending that some things do not exist or pretending that things do exist because of an
ideological point of view will get you absolutely nowhere.
Things are.
That is called reality, and people, including you, me and us, have to deal with it.
It might not be to our liking, but at least it's honest.
If we've had to go through it, and we comment upon it from our perspective and viewpoint
having gone through it, then it's tough shit if you don't like our attitude because we are speaking
from a viewpoint of knowledge ie Been There, Done That, Bought the T-Shirt...
Whereas someone who has never been through the same circumstances wouldn't have a clue
as to what is true and what isn't.
It's easy enough to work out, but surprisingly some don't like the truth, even if it's presented to
them free on a plate.
So we're half way through our week long break, it is also my wife and I's wedding anniversary
today and we've both remembered to bring anniversary cards to give each other on the day.
Cue laughter when we wake up in the morning and give each other the cards.
(She didn't think I'd remember to bring one, but I knew she'd remember hers for me...)
So we start the day with laughter, despite the news not being too good.
Both of us have people we know that are currently suffering health problems back in their
respective countries.
Her Uncle has had a stroke and is currently hospitalized in The Gambia, where the amount of
medication he receives depends on how much paracetemol he can pay the hospital for.
It seems that people falling seriously ill out there have a choice, paracetemol or nothing.
That is the extent of the country's healthcare.
And we've seen that over and over again, and you would think and expect some of their politicians
to do something about it, but why should they bother when they can afford to jet into Senegal, the nearest
country, and get treated there because it has a proper healthcare system.
So that's not good and we are both worried.
And then there's my friend who keeps having fall's.
He has had to walk with a stick to keep him upright after an industrial accident a few years back at work and he's struggling.
He had two falls prior to us going away, the first one kept him in hospital for seven weeks and the second for three days.
According to another friend who is basically looking after him and caring for him currently, he's just had a third so things are not looking good as far as family and friends are concerned right now...
And yes, we are both worried and at our wit's end when we receive another message or call about either
of them.
So with that to contend with, we turn the television on to view the BBC's World Service as that seems to be the only English speaking channel on the hotel's television apart from an American one and the last thing either of us need right now is another mouthful of complete and utter shite from either Donald Trump or Elon Musk.
Neither of whom represent humanity in any way, shape or form.
So what's occurring in good old Blighty, then ?
Well, Storm Bert has hit and has disrupted everything big time.
Flights in and out are being cancelled left, right and centre because of the winds.
The trains are at a standstill, because of either flooding or trees down across the tracks, and a lot of the roads in and out of towns, cities and villages are flooded and not useable.
Rivers have overflowed their banks and the whole country seems to be at a standstill until it passes over...
Glad we're not there, he says, cynically...
Hopefully, daughter Sibo is able to get to work and back home, so Mum will send her a text a bit later to find out how she's doing, as she works twelve hour shifts as a nurse at the local hospital and that can't be good right now.
Oh yeah, daughter Sibo... Anyone who used to read the previous Scrawl of the Wild blog' will recognise the name, I'm sure. Well there was a reason the Blog' stopped and that was because we, as a family, were about to take on the British government's Home Office and try and get our younger children into the UK and we did not want any distractions because of the Blog'.
However, that's all past and gone.
You win some and you lose some, and we'll get to that in time I'm sure, but right now, let's continue checking out the news from back home...
Of course the first news report we saw after the Storm Bert segment concerned us and where we were.
A tourist boat had capsized in the Red Sea, not far away from where we were staying, and so far they are reporting fifteen lives lost and the search for survivors going on as we were watching.
Jesus. That is not good. There seem to be a few tourist type boats capsizing recently.
They've only just had one do it in the mediteranean with a serious loss of life.
What is it with these things.
They seem to be capsizing with every large wave.
It makes you wonder how safe a boat trip is these days ?
And yet more news from the UK...
Apparently nine and a half million people are now on benefits.
You do realise that is over ten percent of the complete population of the British Isles, don't you ?
And why is that I wonder ?
It couldn't possibly be that the vast majority of them have learned to play the system, can it ?
Oh no, I can't work, I have this, that or the other, or I need to drink at least half a bottle of vodka a day
and have at least five spliffs before I can even wake up...
I'm talking about our previous neighbours here, just in case you were wondering...
Who, when finally moved by the council, had done over thirty thousand pounds worth of damage
to the house...
A Mother and three daughters.
I mean, seriously... Are we giving benefits to people, sorry, scumbags like that ?
Apparently we are, and guess who is paying for it ?
Yep. Pensioners like yours truly, and working stiffs like my wife and daughter.
So it's not good news under any circumstances.
And then there are small businesses being hit by our wonderful new Labour government's
National Insurance hike.
Yes, they've put it up so that small businesses will now find it an even bigger struggle to take
on more staff when they can, which of course means that there will be even less jobs available
for people to apply for, meaning that even more benefits will have to be paid out.
And guess who is likely to be taxed even harder to pay for it ?
Those who are trying to cope with a severely taxed income currently.
Fucking Hell !
Oh Jesus, here we go again...
Some vaguely Brown-ish bloke (or Black, whatever. You get the drift I'm sure) has just come on
and is bemoaning the fact that the new version of the Band-Aid single has been released to help
some of the starving population in parts of Africa...
And he's complaining that it's 'White' people doing it ?
What the fuck does he expect ?
If some of these bemoaners had actually set foot on the African continent then they would soon
find out that there is so much graft and corruption throughout their so-called service industries that
very little actually reaches the people that need it.
Add to that what can only be described as a 'Back-Pocket Political Hierarchy' where, should you
go into politics and get enough followers, then the bribes you receive from busineses will enable
you to build your own palace and be set for life.
And that's not even mentioning those countries ruled by armies, junta's, or religious nut-jobs...
I mean, has this twat ever set foot on the continent ?
And he's complaining that White people are doing something to help some of the poorest people
on the planet ?
Honestly, you couldn't make it up...
And yes, there will be those who take those last few lines as written and want to make it into something
it isn't.
But my attitude and view are quite simple.
Get off your fat fucking arse and do something about it, and stop whining about others who are actually
trying to help.
And yes, I've been there, done that, and bought the bleedin' t-shirt in case you're interested.
Get out there and experience what it is like for yourself, and if you are not prepared to do that then at
least have the decency to shut the fuck up about something you know fuck-all about.
But then if they did that, they wouldn't be able to hide behind their 'Victim' culture, would they ?
Oi ! what's with the adverts ?
The BBC claims it doesn't do advertisments.
But their World Service has just stopped for one for holidays in Dubai ?
Bloody hypocrites.
I shall be contacting Laura Kuesenberg when I return...
Got to turn the bloody thing off, they've just stuck up a picture of Donald Trump...
Only Amerika could elect such a self-serving shit for brains as President.
Hmmm... That's not strictly true. Russia and North Korea managed it too...
Ok, rant over...
Time to get up for breakfast before we spend another day relaxing by the pool.
And... We were early enough to get a couple of sunloungers.
It's our wedding anniversary, so let's just relax, please...
I'm writing up notes and Haddy is reading her book and nobody is shouting their
stupid heads off, so I think we're good.
The time is just approaching eleven o'clock Egypt time and so it must be about time
for a quick dip, as that's what swimming pools are for...
Well, it is for me anyway.
If we're quick enough over our snack for lunch, then we might even be able to do it
again this afternoon, well, that's the plan...
Blimey ! What's all this then ?
Say two voices in harmony when we get back to the room to change for lunch.
The room cleaners have been in and there is a heart made from coiled towels in the
middle of the bed.
Word seems to have got round...
What a lovely gesture, I'm impressed.
That was nice because there was seriously no need to do it.
Change, eat, and back out again to the pool.
And... Sunloungers.
Must be our lucky day...
Oh, come on... You've got to be joking...
The woman on the other side of the swimming pool to us has decided to lay back on
the sunlounger with her legs wide apart and her knees in the air...
It really isn't the best sight I've ever seen.
Not even close if you want the truth.
She has however covered her head...
Obviously a sense of decorum is not her thing.
Two hours later she finally shuts up shop to coin a phrase...
It does make you wonder sometimes.
I think we've both seen better views...
But it's now time for us to get up and change back into street-clobber as we're going out to
investigate the bazaars up the road.
Except we're five minutes into changing and there's a knock at our door.
A waiter dressed guy is there with a trolley and he enquires if we are room 5223 which we are,
and he softly says he has something for us, before taking the covering off a cake and bringing it
into our room, where he carefully places it on our room table and wishes us a
Happy Wedding Anniversary from all at the hotel...
At which moment a towell clad wife pokes her head out of the bathroom, and I say 'I think you'd
better come out here and see this, love...'
Which she does, looking blankly at the waiter.
'The hotel have made us a wedding anniversary cake, love...'
She looks again, and it slowly dawns upon her as to what I have said.
Suffice it to say that the waiter got thanked and tipped or it might have been tipped and thanked,
but whichever way round it was, it occurred.
And then there were hugs and gentle sobs.
That moment was a bit special to say the least...
And I think it only fair and proper to say that neither myself nor my wife have EVER been treated
like that before whilst staying at a hotel.
It was a total surprise to the pair of us and it was a beautiful gesture by the management who needn't
have done it at all.
It was definitely a special moment in our lives and I sincerely thank them for it.
Can I recommend this hotel ?
Aw, come on... What do you think ?
Damn right I can.
I have no idea what the rest of Sharm El Sheikh's hotels are like, but the Ivy Cyrene Hotel I can
recommend wholeheartedly.
This hotel is a bit special.
It was a bit of a come-down going shopping after that, but we walked up the road to the left of the
hotel's entrance whilst looking at the mountains in the distance opposite, while holding hands
like a couple of lovebirds, which I suppose we are, really.
And even writing about it now, a month after the event, it still stirs the emotion within.
It really was a kind and beautiful gesture.
But reality beckons...
Six bazaar like shops and we hit every one of them except the one selling alcohol.
No real reason for that, except it was probably going to be cheaper in the duty-free at the airport.
All name brands.
But more tea's, more t-shirts, more key-rings, more perfumes, and a mug for me because
I liked the cat on it...
I hope those receiving them when we get back home appreciate what we had to go through
to get them...
There's a 'do' on tonight by the swimming pool below our room, and all the entertainment staff
are out in force exhorting everyone to go.
I think we might just turn up instead of sitting in the bar...
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